Step-by-Step Guide: How To Hold A Newborn Safely And Comfortably

Finally! Now that you’re holding your baby in your arms, you probably have a lot of questions regarding the correct way of holding them. Even if you’re an experienced parent, such things often seem foreign or even scary at first. Fortunately, #MommyVeronika has prepared a step-by-step guide on how to properly hold your newborn baby!

Step 1: Wash your hands

Before picking up the baby, always think about whether your hands are clean or not. A newborn’s immune system is still developing, so any germs you carry can make them sick. Although a lather with soap and warm water works well, if you are expecting guests, consider giving them some hand sanitizer as well before they cuddle the child. Clean your hands every time before picking up the baby.

Step 2: Get comfortable

Comfort is one of the most important things when holding a baby. Not only do you want to feel physically comfortable, but you also want to be confident in your grip. When asked, already experienced fathers suggest that it takes about five minutes to get comfortable with the idea of holding your newborn. It’s okay to be a little scared at first. Take your time and don’t forget to breathe!

Step 3: Provide support

When holding a newborn, it is very important to always support their head and neck with your hand. After all, your baby’s head is the heaviest part of its body at birth. Pay special attention to the baby’s fontanels, which are the soft spots on the top of the head. Know that newborns lack the critical neck muscle control to support their heads on their own. This moment is usually not reached before about the fourth month of the baby’s life.

Step 4: Choose your position

Holding begins with picking up the baby. When you start to lift your baby, place one hand under their head and the other under the bottom. From there, lift their body up to your chest level. As long as you support the baby’s head and neck, the position is up to you. There are different grips that you and your baby may like. Some of them are also great for nursing or burping. Experiment by trying different ones to find out which one is most comfortable for both of you:

– Cradle Hold
This is one of the easiest and best ways to hold your newborn during the first few weeks of their life:
1. While your baby is horizontal at your chest level, slide your hand from the bottom up to support the neck.
2. Gently push the baby’s head into the crook of your elbow.
3. While still holding their head, move your hand from your supporting hand to its bottom.
4. Your free hand will be able to do other things or provide extra support.

– Shoulder hold
1. While the baby’s body is parallel to yours, raise the baby’s head to shoulder height.
2. Support its head on your chest and shoulder so the baby can look behind you.
3. Keep one hand on the baby’s head and neck and the other to support the baby’s bottom. This position can also allow the baby to hear your heartbeat.

– Holding the tummy
1. Place your baby tummy down across your forearm with its head up towards your elbow.
2. The legs should be on either side of your hand, angled closer to the ground so that the baby is at a slight angle.
3. This position is useful if the baby has gas and needs to burp. Gently pat the baby’s back to achieve the effect.

– Holding on the lap
1. Sit in a chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground and place the baby on your lap. Its head should be on your lap, facing up.
2. Lift the head up with both hands for support, with your forearms under its body. Baby’s legs should be tucked into your waist.

Step 5: Checking

Pay attention to the baby’s mood while holding them. If they’re nervous or crying, you can try a different position to see if that makes them more comfortable. You can also try a gentle and slow rocking motion. Note that the baby’s head must always be turned so that it can breathe.

More general tips you may or may not have thought about:

– Try skin-to-skin contact while holding the baby. It’s a great way to bond and warm up to begin with. You can strip the baby down to the diaper, place it next to your bare chest and cover it with a blanket.
– Choose a sitting position if you feel uncomfortable holding the baby. Sitting is also a good idea for anyone who may not have the strength to support the baby’s weight, such as children and the elderly.
– Use a baby carrier for hands-free grip. Follow all package instructions that suggest age-appropriate grips and positions.
– Use a pillow to support the baby when holding it for long periods of time or to help with breastfeeding.
– Do not cook or carry hot drinks while holding the baby. Knives, flames and excessive heat are dangerous and can result in accidental injury. Stay away from other people working with these things near you.
– Hold your baby with both hands while going up and down the stairs for more safety.
– Never shake your baby or even older child (2+ years old) , whether for play or to express frustration. This can cause bleeding in the brain or in the worst cases even death.

There really is no right or wrong way to hold your baby. But you should know: Although they are small, newborns are less fragile than you think. The key is to get comfortable and support your little one’s delicate head and neck. Even if holding your baby seems funny or scary at first, with practice it will soon become second nature.

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