Why Your Pregnancy Due Date Isn’t Exact (And Everything You Need To Know About It)

The miracle has happened and you are now pregnant! You feel on top of the world and dream of the day you’ll finally get to meet your baby. You stop for a second, think a little, and start counting nine months forward. And that’s it! You just calculated your due …

6 Sure Signs That You Might Start Giving Birth Soon

When you’re close to your baby’s due date, every day that passes feels like a week. Time becomes relentless – just like calls from well-meaning loved ones asking if the baby has arrived yet. You need a sign to signal that labor is near. But are there signs that you …

Signs Your Baby May Be Overstimulated And How To Calm Them Down

Overstimulation in babies can occur when they are exposed to more activities, noise and experiences than they can handle. Overstimulated babies may have disturbed sleep or lack of enthusiasm. Under normal circumstances, activities such as play can help children develop all their senses. This allows them to grow faster and …

Does Your Baby’s Future Character Really Depend On The Day Of The Week It Was Born?

Many people do not believe in astrology or the influence of the stars on us and would call all such things simply – nonsense. Well, #MommyVeronika came across a rather interesting statement! Namely that a baby’s future character depend a lot on the day of the week it was born. …

Keeping Your Baby’s First Teeth Healthy And Strong

You will hardly be surprised that taking care of a child’s oral hygiene begins even before the appearance of the first tooth. From the time of birth, until the moment of the extraction of the first milk tooth, kids must take care of their dental hygiene and therefore they need …

The Truth Behind The Top 11 Baby Sleep Myths

Grandparents, friends and relatives, overflowing with good intentions, do not stop advising young parents all over the world on how to take care of their newborn. One of the most frequently discussed topics is baby sleep and the tricks that can help them sleep peacefully and without waking up at …

12 Common Baby Care And Hygiene Questions Answered (Part 2)

This week we continue with part two of the frequently asked questions related to baby hygiene and skin care. How to cut finger and toenails correctly? What should the temperature of the water in the baby bath be ? And why do newborns often have sticky eyes after waking up from …

12 Common Baby Care And Hygiene Questions Answered (Part 1)

With the arrival of the newborn in the house, also comes many questions that you never thought would arise. Questions, the answers to which do not seem very complicated at first glance, but they are exactly the same for every new parent. How often should you bathe the baby? What …

Pregnancy Weight Gain – What You Need To Know?

Being able to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby is one of the most desired dreams for many women. However, this quite beautiful period can also be filled with many not so pleasant emotions. One of the biggest concerns for all pregnant women is weight gaining. Your baby will …

All You Need To Know On Why You Should Avoid Kissing Newborn Babies On The Mouth

Babies may be irresistibly cute, but kisses on the mouth, even by their parents, can expose them to various diseases and infections. With a little restriction, however, they can easily be avoided. In this article, #MommyVeronika will explain the physical reasons why you should avoid kissing a baby on the mouth, …

Baby Acne: What You Need To Know And How To Deal With It?

You may find yourself in the next few sentences, does that sound familiar? Your baby is around a month old and you can gaze all day long at just how perfect it looks! Until one day, out of the blue, when you notice red or white bumps or pimples forming on his face …

11 Phrases You Should Never Say To Pregnant Women

The months during which a woman is pregnant are filled with many different emotions and situations. Some of which can be pretty funny, while others not so much. Of course everything depends on the hormones and the mood the pregnant woman is in at the given moment. For this week’s …