Exploring Creativity: 5 Benefits of Introducing Drawing to Your 1-Year-Old

Drawing is a natural process for all children. From an early age, kids start experimenting with drawing materials and doing all kinds of things on paper, and as they grow older, these unique works of art begin to get better and take on meaning. Drawing eventually becomes a way for …

The Real Struggles of Motherhood: How to Cope and Thrive

“A mother is someone who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.”– Cardinal Mermilod Any change is a challenge, and the arrival of a new and very demanding family member is a huge change. It’s harder than you expected and definitely not …

From Diapers To Big Kid Pants: 7 Signs Your Child Is Ready For Potty Training

Many parents of young children wonder when is the right time to start potty training. The truth is, while most toddlers indicate they’re ready to start potty training between the ages of 18 months and 3 years, some aren’t ready until they’re older—and age isn’t the only determinant of when …

4 Of The Best Yet Essential Tips For The Skin Care Of Your Newborn Baby

The birth is over, you’re home with your newborn baby, and it’s time to start building your daily care schedule. But besides keeping it fed and warm, of course, there are a whole bunch of things that new parents need to keep an eye on. With one of these things, …

Stress During Pregnancy: What It Can Cause And How To Deal With It

Being pregnant and expecting a new life is not an easy and light task. A woman worries about everything! Are the foods she eats healthy enough? Is it safe to exercise? How will she juggle work and parenthood once the baby arrives? Some stress during pregnancy is normal, as it …

How To Create A Language-Rich Environment For Your Child’s Vocabulary Development

A communication-rich environment is one in which children are surrounded by talking, singing and reading and have many opportunities through everyday activities to talk to others and engage in continuous communication. This type of environment is important for children’s early learning and can have a strong impact on building the …

Stealing Time For Sleep: A Comprehensive Guide For Exhausted New Moms

Sleep deprivation and motherhood go hand in hand. Just like a baby and diapers. Or baby and colic. Or a baby and teething. Or etc., you get the point. In general, in the first year after the birth of the baby, the rhythm of the whole house changes, which cannot …

The Ultimate Guide: What Not To Eat During Pregnancy And Why

Knowing which foods to avoid when pregnant is just as important as getting the right balance of nutrients. Some foods may have an increased risk of food poisoning, and others may contain toxins that are best avoided. What are the most dangerous bacteria for pregnant women, as well as which …

10+1 Superfoods: Healthy Snack Ideas for Your Growing Baby

In the period around 5-6 months, your baby has already reached a new, more mature stage of development. That’s when its fragile organism is ready for the first encounter with something different from mother’s breast milk or formula. It is important to offer your baby a variety of healthy foods, …

All You Need To Know About The Baby’s Soft Spot (Fontanelle) And The Importance Of Monitoring It

Baby fontanelle is a concept that every mother faces once she has a baby. Despite the myths surrounding it, it is a fact that it comes with a purpose. There is no coincidence that babies are born with a soft spotted head on which the bones have not yet grown …

Tips For Properly Feeding Your Baby With Bottle

Deciding whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is one of the most important decisions parents have to make. Often, however, it may happen that the mother has no choice due to problems with starting or the amount of breast milk she is able to produce. This is exactly …

How To Recognize The Signs Of Mom Burnout And Take Action

It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home or a working mom, a new mom or experienced mom, a mom of one, or of multiples, a burnout can affect anyone. It’s common for mothers of all stages to experience mom burnout, whether their kids are at home 24/7 or at daycare/school. …