Everything You Need To Know For A Stress Free Road Trip With A Car

With the baby’s arrival, it is more than clear for the parents that many things will no longer be the same. One of them is traveling. The specific type we’re going to talk about today is by car. And no, not the short drives that take half an hour, but those that require spending at least 4-5 hours in the car. Does this already sound like mission impossible? Well, maybe only the first time.

Road trips are tolerated differently by each baby and the same applies for its parents. But from personal experience and from what other parents have shared, one thing is clear – the smaller the baby, the easier the journey.

#MommyVeronika is here today with some ideas to help you have a more relaxed first trip with your little one. Continue reading for a complete guide to a stress free car road tripping. 

Safety first!

For starters (and certainly the most important point) make sure you have ensured the safety of your baby. This means it should only travel in a carrycot/car seat that is properly fitted in the car and suitable for its age and size. The belts must be adjusted well so that there is no gap. It is good to inculcate good driving habits in the child from an early age. This means that while on the road, the child must always be fastened in its seat. So rule number one – getting up is only allowed when the car is not in motion. Also don’t forget that one of the parents should always ride in the back seat. Thus, in order to have a quick reaction at any moment when the baby needs help. 

Time of departure and travel.

It is good to consider in advance the time in which you will leave and travel. That time should be tailored specially with the baby’s sleeping and feeding schedule. If you are expected to travel for longer than 4-5 hours, you will have to (and better be prepared to) make more than 1 stop. Leaving when it’s the baby’s time to sleep will give you at least an hour without breaks. Another trick for less breaks is to bottle feed your baby when you’re on the go. Breastfeeding moms can use a pump.

Baggage loading.

Carefully plan your luggage and prepare as much of it in advance as possible so that it does not become an obstacle to your timely departure. Again, from a safety point of view, make sure there are no heavy pieces of luggage that could freely move around and eventually injure the child if an emergency stop is necessary. The baby should always be boarded last – when all the luggage is loaded and arranged, and everyone is ready to go. This way you will save yourself the stress before you even set off.

Keep the essentials close!

No matter how much luggage you take with you, leave enough space for the essentials. They should be well organized and within easy reach (don’t let yourself learn this the hard way). Baby essentials when traveling can be divided into 3 groups and include:
To eat – formula or breast milk (stored at appropriate temperature), water, clean bottles, and bibs;
For hygiene – diapers and diaper cream, dry and wet wipes, changing pad, 1 set of extra clothes, garbage bag, and water for washing (if something falls on the ground);
For entertainment – 2-3 fave toys, a book or two, and pacifier; 

Dress up the baby accordingly.

It is extremely important when going on the road to dress the baby correctly. Not only according to the season, but also according to the temperature you will maintain in the car. The most suitable one would always be between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius (68 – 72 Fahrenheit), which in summer should not exceed 23 degrees C (73,4F). 
In winter – If you are going on the road in winter, dress the baby in more but thin layers of clothes. They should be easily removed or added if necessary. Dressing the baby in a thick jacket is strictly prohibited for 2 reasons! Firstly – there is a possibility of overheating and secondly – the thick jacket does not ensure its safety. The seat belt of the child seat cannot guarantee safety when the child is dressed with many and thick clothes. Having a blanket in hand is always a good idea if you are not sure how much clothes exactly your little one needs.
In summer – It is good to avoid overdressing the baby in many layers during the summer months. Dress your little one in light and natural fabrics like cotton. Check regularly for any sweating behind the neck and if there is some, change the child’s clothes as soon as possible.

Extra Tip from #MommyVeronika:
Our first family trip consisted of 1,400km (870 miles) that were traveled in 2 days with a fully loaded car and a 4.5 month old baby in the back seat. Did I forget to mention it was in August ? Yeah! So if you too have such a long journey ahead of you, I have one very important piece of advice for you.
To begin with, I have to share with you that before the arrival of our baby, my husband and I used to take this same distance on one trip. Sometimes we even ended up driving for more than 24 hours (due to waiting at the borders). After she was born, we decided it was time to split the journey into 2 days. Covering 800km on the first day  and the remaining 600km on the second day. Definitely the best decision we’ve ever made! The baby was fine (most of the time), so were we, as we had a whole evening to rest, and on top of that we were able to explore the city we stayed in. Well, it was like a little break before the big vacation. So if you’re up for this kind of challenge with a young baby, definitely consider a bigger stop for refreshment and sleep. It’s worth it!

xo, MommyVeronika

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