Complete Guide To: How To Bathe A Newborn Baby?

Bathing a newborn is one of the many things that all new parents must learn how to do!  If you have attended pregnancy courses, it will probably be a bit easier for you, but still, learning in theory and doing it for real are two different things. Well guess what?  #MommyVeronika is once again here to share with you some tips that can really be helpful.

The life of a newborn revolves around several essential activities that the mother should set in order to make the first months easier and less chaotic. Simply put, in the beginning, a baby only sleeps, eats and fills diapers and mommy is the person who mostly takes care of it all. But there is one thing that daddy can help a lot with and it is also the perfect time for him to get more involved. Bathing the little one! 

Bathing during the winter season.

If the baby was born in the winter months, you have two options – bathe it in the room where it usually sleeps (as it is supposed to be warm), or in the bathroom, if the temperature is right there and you don’t have to walk through cold hallways. If the weather is warm, it doesn’t matter where you bathe it, as long as you are comfortable.

Prepare in advance.

Again, if the baby was born in the winter months, you should warm up the towel and the clothes they will be sleeping in. If necessary, heat the room additionally. In a convenient place prepare all the things you will need after the bath: diaper, cream, baby oil and milk (if you are not breastfeeding). Pretty much everything that you’ll use should be waiting right next to you so you don’t go running around the room and leaving the baby unattended . Especially if it is already able to turn around by itself!

Baby bathtub.

It is good to have a special bathtub for the baby. There are two types that can be found on the market – regular and anatomical. The bottom of the anatomical bathtubs is shaped like a seat in which you can lay the baby.  The regular ones are a classic bassinet, but you can always buy an additional stand that can be placed, on which the baby can lie down, and you will achieve the effect of anatomical tubs. The difference is that you will be able to use the regular bathtub for a longer time, even when the child is older. The anatomical one is only for the period while the baby is smaller. No matter what the tub is, it’s a great idea to put a terry towel on the bottom to avoid any slipping. And also always hold them with one hand!

Water temperature and level.

The water temperature should be between 36-38°C, or around 98°F. You can always dip your elbow to check if the water is okay, but it’s definitely better to use a bath thermometer at least in the beginning. There are great and not very expensive ones that are marked to show the optimal temperature. The water level should not be too high, but enough to reach the baby’s tummy without flooding it.


Mommy can undress the baby while daddy fills the tub so that bathing can begin as soon as the tub is ready. If your baby has a full diaper, you can easily clean it with a baby wipe. The most comfortable way to hold the baby is to lay it on the lower part of your arm, with the palm of your hand holding the bottom, and the head resting on the crook of the elbow.  Dip the feet first and gradually continue with the rest of the body, without the head. Continue to lightly bathe the baby with your other hand.

When your baby gets used to the water, carefully wet its head with your hand or a watering can, then lather and rinse. Do the same with the body too. After rinsing the baby from the soap in the bath, take them out and pour a pre-filled jug with clean, warm water – on both head and body. And with this the bath ends.

Keep in mind that some babies are not impressed with the water and express their disapproval with a loud cry. Others are just waiting to be dunked in the water and start kicking and cooing with pleasure. Based on how your little one perceives the water, you can decide how long the bath should last (of course, do not wait for the water to get colder, no matter how much the baby enjoys it).

Time for some good drying.

While drying the little one, pay extra attention to all folds and wrinkles (behind the elbows, behind the knees, under the arms and all other folds throughout the body). It is important that they are completely dry so that their skin does not get any irritations. Carefully wipe the eyes and the ears too. Remember – don’t rub, but soak! After that the time is perfect for some gymnastics and/or a massage with oil. Definitely give it a few minutes without a diaper on. Apply some care cream around the buttocks and the folds of the legs (where the diaper sits) and put the nappy on.

And that’s it! Your baby is now ready for dinner and for the night’s sleep. 

xo, MommyVeronika!

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