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Category: Pregnancy

Understanding The Timeline Of Placenta Development In The Womb

Did you know that during pregnancy, in addition to growing a tiny human being, you also gain a whole new organ? Exactly! The placenta is an organ composed of fetal and maternal tissues and begins to form alongside the embryo in the earliest stages of pregnancy. In this article, #MommyVeronika has …

5 Perks Of The Pregnancy Every Woman Should Know

Extra pounds, swollen ankles, varicose veins, stretch marks … you simply cannot go through the challenge called pregnancy without facing the fear of these “extras”. Yes, these are some of the side effects that ladies often encounter along the way, but it is by no means a mandatory part of …

All You Need To Know About The Benefits Of Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncture in preparation for childbirth and easing labor is gaining more and more popularity among pregnant women. Already about a third of women who are pregnant for the first time choose to trust the effect of the small needles. Mainly because the procedure is said to cut the length of …

Hand Numbness During Pregnancy Or What You Need To Know About The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Numbness of the hands, fingers and pain in the wrists and in general – in the hands. The condition is common among pregnant women due to the swelling that occurs when you are expecting a baby. The good news? You can usually find relief by making small lifestyle changes, such …

Stress During Pregnancy: What It Can Cause And How To Deal With It

Being pregnant and expecting a new life is not an easy and light task. A woman worries about everything! Are the foods she eats healthy enough? Is it safe to exercise? How will she juggle work and parenthood once the baby arrives? Some stress during pregnancy is normal, as it …

The Ultimate Guide: What Not To Eat During Pregnancy And Why

Knowing which foods to avoid when pregnant is just as important as getting the right balance of nutrients. Some foods may have an increased risk of food poisoning, and others may contain toxins that are best avoided. What are the most dangerous bacteria for pregnant women, as well as which …

Why Your Pregnancy Due Date Isn’t Exact (And Everything You Need To Know About It)

The miracle has happened and you are now pregnant! You feel on top of the world and dream of the day you’ll finally get to meet your baby. You stop for a second, think a little, and start counting nine months forward. And that’s it! You just calculated your due …

6 Sure Signs That You Might Start Giving Birth Soon

When you’re close to your baby’s due date, every day that passes feels like a week. Time becomes relentless – just like calls from well-meaning loved ones asking if the baby has arrived yet. You need a sign to signal that labor is near. But are there signs that you …

Pregnancy Weight Gain – What You Need To Know?

Being able to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby is one of the most desired dreams for many women. However, this quite beautiful period can also be filled with many not so pleasant emotions. One of the biggest concerns for all pregnant women is weight gaining. Your baby will …

11 Phrases You Should Never Say To Pregnant Women

The months during which a woman is pregnant are filled with many different emotions and situations. Some of which can be pretty funny, while others not so much. Of course everything depends on the hormones and the mood the pregnant woman is in at the given moment. For this week’s …

7 Of The Most Common Early Pregnancy Signs

It is generally accepted, and mostly shown in the movies, that women find out that they are pregnant from their lack of a monthly cycle first. In reality, this is not the case at all. Truth is that many women notice other symptoms that may suggest a possible pregnancy, long …