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Category: For mommy only

The Paradox Of Motherhood: How To Balance Mom Guilt And Self-Care

Mom guilt can generally be described as an overall feeling that you’re not doing well with your kids, not doing enough as a parent, not spending enough time with your children, or that you’re making decisions that might affect or mess up their life. Sometimes the more intense feelings of guilt …

Your Child Needs A Happy Mom, Not A Perfect One

It goes without saying that we all want to be perfect mothers. These thoughts occupy us mostly when we are expecting a child. We enthusiastically read articles from glossy magazines about raising children, look at cute photos, imagine how we will teach our babies everything from the first years of …

All You Need To Know About The Benefits Of Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncture in preparation for childbirth and easing labor is gaining more and more popularity among pregnant women. Already about a third of women who are pregnant for the first time choose to trust the effect of the small needles. Mainly because the procedure is said to cut the length of …

The Real Struggles of Motherhood: How to Cope and Thrive

“A mother is someone who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.”– Cardinal Mermilod Any change is a challenge, and the arrival of a new and very demanding family member is a huge change. It’s harder than you expected and definitely not …

Stress During Pregnancy: What It Can Cause And How To Deal With It

Being pregnant and expecting a new life is not an easy and light task. A woman worries about everything! Are the foods she eats healthy enough? Is it safe to exercise? How will she juggle work and parenthood once the baby arrives? Some stress during pregnancy is normal, as it …

Stealing Time For Sleep: A Comprehensive Guide For Exhausted New Moms

Sleep deprivation and motherhood go hand in hand. Just like a baby and diapers. Or baby and colic. Or a baby and teething. Or etc., you get the point. In general, in the first year after the birth of the baby, the rhythm of the whole house changes, which cannot …

How To Recognize The Signs Of Mom Burnout And Take Action

It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home or a working mom, a new mom or experienced mom, a mom of one, or of multiples, a burnout can affect anyone. It’s common for mothers of all stages to experience mom burnout, whether their kids are at home 24/7 or at daycare/school. …

First Period After Childbirth – All You Need To Know!

The first menstruation after childbirth is one of the most discussed topics among new moms. So in this week’s article, just as always, #MommyVeronika is here to tell you what and when exactly to expect. First thing that’s worth mentioning is that there are no generally accepted norms or rules …

How To Get Back In Shape After Childbirth

The days, weeks and even months after giving birth can be very difficult emotionally and physically. You’re sleep-deprived, you have to adjust to a whole new schedule, and on top of that, you’re trying to focus on what’s most important—being a good mom. At the same time, you are trying …

What Are ”Baby Blues” And How To Deal With Them?

One of the biggest misconceptions after giving birth is that once you have your little sunshine in your arms, you’ll immediately start feeling incredibly happy and your heart will be full with joy.  Not only is the childbirth itself quite stressful and exhausting, but a few hours after, any mom …

All You Need To Know About Postpartum Hair Loss

While pregnant, the female body goes through many changes. Some are good and others .. well not that great. One of  the best perks, for sure, is the pregnancy hair. Thanks to the many hormonal changes, the hair gets stronger, thicker and even starts looking shinier. Well that is until the …