Baby Acne: What You Need To Know And How To Deal With It?

You may find yourself in the next few sentences, does that sound familiar? Your baby is around a month old and you can gaze all day long at just how perfect it looks! Until one day, out of the blue, when you notice red or white bumps or pimples forming on his face or body. And now you panic and start wondering what’s going on? Is it maybe undercutting? Or some sort of allergic reaction to the milk? Thorough cleaning of the skin begins, as well as application of all kinds of creams, and if there is no improvement within 2 days – the paediatrician receives your call. This scenario is very familiar to many new moms!  Well in most cases, it is just ordinary baby acne.

Stay calm! #MommyVeronika is here to explain what’s going on and when it’s time for you to take some action!

The first and most important thing to know is that this is a very common, usually temporary skin condition. In almost all cases it goes away on its own within a few weeks and with no treatment at all. This is baby acne, which is also known as neonatal acne and occurs in about 40% of newborns.

What causes baby acne?

The exact cause of acne in newborns is unknown, but studies have suggested that it is caused by the mother’s or baby’s hormones. The skin of newborns is many times more sensitive than that of adults, and quite often even the smallest things, such as contact with breast milk, formula or some rougher substances can lead to irritation. If just before the appearance of the small pimples your baby was sick or was given some new medication, this is most likely not baby acne and is due to another reason that should be examined by a doctor.

What are the symptoms of baby acne?

Acne is not the only skin disease that can affect a baby, so it is good to know how to distinguish it from other types of rashes. Just like in teens and adults, it mostly looks like red bumps or pimples. Baby acne can appear anywhere on the baby’s face and body. It is, however, most commonly seen on the cheeks and forehead, but you can expect to notice pimples on the nose, chin, upper back or neck as well. It becomes much more visible if your baby is nervous or crying, as well as after contact with saliva or returned milk after feeding.

When does it appear and how long does it take to disappear?

Baby acne can sometimes be present at birth, but in most cases it peaks within 2 to 4 weeks after birth. The duration is usually 1 to 3 weeks, with some rare cases causing it to last for several months. It is good to contact your paediatrician if within 4 weeks you do not see any improvement in the condition of your baby’s skin.

Should you treat your baby’s acne?

Baby acne usually disappears by itself and does not require any treatment. It is a purely cosmetic problem and does not endanger the health of your little one. Although it may last longer in some babies, it is best not to try to treat it yourself at home. Please consult your paediatrician before applying any creams or ointments to your baby. At this early age their skin is very sensitive, and there’s a good chance you’ll only make the acne worse or cause further skin irritation by using something that’s too strong.

What’s the correct skin care for a baby with acne?

Even though it is a common condition, baby acne still requires more special care and attention from the parents. So here are a few tips on how to avoid further irritation, as well as help taking the best care possible for your child’s skin:

1. Keep affected areas clean. Wash them every day with warm water and without any other additives, unless specifically prescribed by a doctor.
2. Do not use oils and creams after bathing. Using them is a great choice, but not during the time when your newborn has skin problems. Try avoiding them for a while.
3. Do not rub the affected areas. 
This will lead to nothing more than even redder skin and a fussier baby. Either of them is pretty undesirable.
4. Do not squeeze or pinch the affected area. 
The reason? Same as in the point written above.
5. Be patient.
 As you already understood, baby acne is not a cause for great concern. Be patient for a moment, and soon after, your baby will be picture ready again.

xo, MommyVeronika

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