All You Need To Know On Why You Should Avoid Kissing Newborn Babies On The Mouth

Babies may be irresistibly cute, but kisses on the mouth, even by their parents, can expose them to various diseases and infections. With a little restriction, however, they can easily be avoided. In this article, #MommyVeronika will explain the physical reasons why you should avoid kissing a baby on the mouth, as well as what symptoms to look out for if you’ve already done so.

Of course, every parent must decide for themself where to draw the line, how to raise their child and in what way to express their love. However, it is important to be aware of the dangers and risks that kissing carries.

As you probably know, the oral cavity and the respiratory tract are among the most microbial populated areas of our body. This is also the main reason why you should be careful with the kisses you give to babies and especially newborns. Possible diseases transmitted by a kiss include: herpes, streptococcus, respiratory syncytial virus, hand-foot-mouth disease, allergic reactions, etc. Therefore, to prevent the spread of infections or serious health problems in babies, the rule of not kissing them on the lips applies to everyone, including the parents. 

Below you will find few of the most common diseases, including some symptoms and ways to treat them, that you better watch out for:

One of the most common problems that arise from mouth-to-mouth contact is infection with the herpes virus. Herpes simplex virus infection is a highly contagious disease and quite common around the world. It affects the mouth and parts of the face and causes sores on the mouth and lips, accompanied by a burning sensation around the mouth. It is obvious that any kind of mouth-to-mouth contact, especially in infants, can expose them to this viral disease. Herpes simplex viruses can potentially pave the way for other conditions such as nervous system disorders, internal diseases and sometimes even hepatitis. This is why this infection is very serious, especially for babies under 3 months of age. If you suspect that your baby may be suffering from a herpes simplex virus infection or has come into contact with someone who was later diagnosed with the same, you may watch for the following symptoms:

– Fever
– Irritation
– Burning sensation around the mouth
– The baby cannot suckle
– The baby cries during breastfeeding
– Redness of the gums
– Swelling of the lymph nodes
– Sores around the lips
– Mouth sores
– Itching around the lips

Ways to treat it:
– Oral or parenteral antiviral drugs
– Intravenous fluids
– Respiratory support

Respiratory syncytial virus
Respiratory syncytial virus infection is a serious condition that is highly contagious and can cause breathing problems in a baby if it is passed on to him through touch or cough droplets. It can also lead to serious complications such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. This infection starts with a runny nose and nasal congestion, which can later cause wheezing, fever and wheezing.

Ways to treat it: 
– Over-the-counter medications to manage symptoms
– Make sure your child is drinking enough fluids
– Support breathing if necessary
– Avoid giving aspirin

Hand-foot-mouth disease
This viral disease causes sores and rashes. It can be very problematic for babies who still have developing or weak immune systems. Mild symptoms may last about a week. The condition is most common in babies and children under the age of 5. It can cause loss of appetite, headache, irritability and malaise.

Ways to treat it:
– Make sure your child is drinking enough fluids
– Non-prescription medicines for symptomatic relief
– Avoid giving aspirin
– Offer soft foods that are easier to swallow

Allergic reactions
In case the baby has allergies to food or ingredients found in cosmetics or skin care products, it may suffer allergic reactions if someone kisses them on the mouth after eating a certain food or using a certain skin care product.

Ways to treat it:
– Antihistamines for symptomatic relief
– Contact a doctor immediately if symptoms worsen
– Topical remedy for skin problems

Weak immune system
The formation of the baby’s immune system begins in the womb, when the complex connections between the organism of the mother and the fetus are created. But at birth, it’s still not strong enough and the newborn is very susceptible to viral infections. Breastfeeding and probiotics help build the baby’s immunity, but during the first few months it can very easily get infected. Therefore, any adult who comes into contact with the baby should have their hands thoroughly washed. If there is even the slightest sign of a cold or other illness, the baby’s visit should be postponed. These are two precautions that can protect babies from health problems.

Additional symptoms to watch out for that might be caused by a kiss:

– Recurring fever
– Sore throat
– Trouble breathing
– Vomiting
– Diarrhea
– Breastfeeding problem
– Prolonged crying without stopping
– Irritability
– Convulsions
– Rashes
– Sudden weight loss
– Bubbles
– Decreased urination

If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, you should contact your doctor ASAP!

Precautions to protect children from diseases
Here are some simple things you can do as precautions to protect your baby from infections and illnesses:

– Don’t let anyone kiss your baby on the mouth. To avoid coming off as rude, explain to the person why it is not a good idea to kiss the child, giving an example of the possible infections and serious complications that can result.
– Before holding your baby, wash your hands and encourage others to do the same or at least use hand sanitizer. It may be an extra effort, but it’s always worth it to protect your child from fatal infections.
– If someone is suffering from a contagious disease or any infection, ask them to keep a safe distance from your child.
– Bathe the baby often.
– If an infected person gets too close to the child, not much can be done to stop the spread of the disease. The best thing to do is to wash the kissed area with a gentle cleanser and water as soon as possible.

Extra tip from #MommyVeronika:
Don’t be afraid to limit your baby’s physical contact with the visiting family and friends. You are the parent and you decide what you are okay with and what you are not okay with. If you don’t feel comfortable with someone else holding or kissing your baby, you can politely decline and explain why. Your loved ones should understand and respect your decision!

xo, MommyVeronika

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