All You Need To Know About The Benefits Of Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncture in preparation for childbirth and easing labor is gaining more and more popularity among pregnant women. Already about a third of women who are pregnant for the first time choose to trust the effect of the small needles. Mainly because the procedure is said to cut the length of labor, but this is not the only benefit of acupuncture and #MommyVeronika is here to tell you all about it in detail.

Acupuncture is a method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is a holistic form of therapy that works not only locally, i.e. where the needle is stimulated, but also throughout the body. Although it cannot repair the “breakdowns” in a body, it regulates the disturbed functions. By piercing the needles in precisely defined points, a disturbed energy flow is restored and the energy is balanced between the different areas of the body.

What is acupuncture for birth preparation?

The positive effect of acupuncture for general preparation for childbirth as well as for complaints during pregnancy has been proven by various studies. In preparation for childbirth it can help women relax and trust their own strength and energy to get through the labor. This is also the reason why it is particularly suitable for pregnant women that are at the end of the third trimester (or after 34 weeks of gestation) who want to prepare for a natural birth.

Acupuncture for managing pregnancy symptoms

As it turns out, acupuncture can help differently at different stages of pregnancy. The earliest of them is the end of the first or the beginning of the second trimester, when the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy are strongest. Acupuncture can help manage or at least reduce any of these symptoms, including:

– Morning sickness
– Pains of different kinds
– Anxiety, agitation, sleep disorders
– Pregnancy-related high blood pressure

Acupuncture in general preparation for childbirth

Researches show that acupuncture in first-time mothers shortens the average length of labor from ten to eight hours! This positive effect is based on the faster maturation of the cervix and more targeted labor in the initial phase. The acupuncture method ensures that the mother-to-be feels less pain during the actual labor and that the contractions are more targeted in the pushing phase.

What is very important to know is that acupuncture’s labor-shortening effect only kicks in when a woman’s body is naturally ready to give birth. Therefore, the treatment has no effect on the date of birth and does not lead to premature or earlier birth. Its only role is to help for a faster and easier exit of the baby.

Acupuncture during labor

Other studies show the effectiveness of acupuncture for pain relief, ease of labor, and relaxation during labor. It is used for the first major complaints, usually when the cervical opening is already four to five centimeters. Pain relief points are in the area of the lower abdomen or on the woman’s back. Acupuncture during labor also helps with problems with the release of the placenta after the child is born.

What to expect in an acupuncture session in preparation for childbirth?

Acupuncture sessions in preparation for childbirth are usually performed by a gynecologist or a midwife. They must have completed relevant training with a final exam. The treatment starts at the 35-36th week of pregnancy, usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes and is performed once a week. Usually the time until birth is enough to do between 4-5 sessions, but to have an effect, at least 3 should be done.

The location of acupuncture points is clearly defined. the gynaecologist/midwife palpates in the appropriate area while the patient signals to them a pressure sensitive point. The needle is inserted quickly and without a rotating movement at a depth of about 0.5 centimeters. The puncture is usually painless, as the standard needle is only 0.3 mm thick. It is made of flexible steel that bends but does not break.

The needle is then advanced under a rapid rotary motion until the release of the so-called Dee Key feeling. It can be a sensation such as warmth, stiffness, pressure, heaviness, tingling, or even a small, painless electric shock. However, the sensation differs from patient to patient. The depth of the seam depends on the position of the points and can vary between 5 mm and several centimeters, but it must be kept precisely.

To prepare for birth, four points are treated on each side of the body:

– below the knee
– in the area of the inner ankle of the leg,
– on the upper lateral calf
– and on the outside of the little finger.

In addition, the head can be pierced, which usually has a calming effect and helps with symptoms of anxiety.

Side effects of acupuncture treatment

Some women experience circulation problems during treatment. One of the reasons for this, in addition to purely physical reasons, is also “a fear of needles”. For patients with unstable blood circulation, it is good to perform the procedure in a half-sitting, half-lying position with the legs slightly elevated. The circulatory reaction usually disappears with further treatment as the body gets used to the acupuncture and the patient also knows better what to expect in the second session.

Keep in mind that after the acupuncture session, the punctured spot may be slightly red or may form a small bruise. Both are completely harmless, disappear on their own and aren’t something to worry about.

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