9 Essential Tips For Planning A Great First Birthday Party

Children are the most precious gift. They grow up so fast that we want to live every moment with them to the fullest. Such special moments that we never want to miss are their birthdays. Yes, each of them is important, of course, but there is one that is even more sentimental than the rest – the first one.

A child’s first birthday is a new, exciting and such a joyful event that you certainly want to share it with everyone. And to be perfect, of course! But how do you organize a first birthday party for a little one who cries suddenly, sleeps several times a day and doesn’t understand holidays? Is there a way to make the celebration go smoothly and be truly wonderful? #MommyVeronika has prepared a 9-step plan to help you with the organization of this solemn, joyful  and full of smiles day!

To begin with, remember one thing – don’t wait until the last minute to start planning! Depending on how grand an event you would like to organize, the best time to start is between 4 and 8 weeks before the actual birthday. In this way, you will save yourself a lot of unwanted headaches and worries.

1. Choose a place

– At home
A baby’s first birthday is a pretty special celebration that you’ll want to share with close friends and family. If your home is big enough and you want to save some money, hosting the party at your home can be a good option. Holding the event at home also means that guests can stay longer, but perhaps the biggest advantage is that the baby will be in a familiar place where they can always take a nap and rest.

– In a restaurant
If you don’t have the opportunity or don’t want to hold the event at home, you can do it in a nice restaurant, for example. Yes, it might be a bit more expensive, but at least you won’t have to deal with so much pre-preparation, cleaning, washing glasses and dishes, cooking, etc. It is good if the place has a children’s corner with animators, so that the little ones of the guests can have fun, and the adults can calmly indulge in sweet stories.

– Outdoor
If the weather allows it, you can organize your child’s first birthday in a park, on the beach or just have a nice picnic in the forest. You can put up decorations and balloons and enjoy the fresh air and nature while the children play freely.

2. Make a guest list

A one-year-old baby does not yet play with children, so you can enjoy throwing a celebration on a scale of your choice. Start with all those people without whom the party cannot happen. But still be careful – too many people and noise can startle and make the child nervous. It is recommended to organize a first birthday in a close family circle. If you still want to have more guests, you can just keep an eye on how much the little one can handle and when he starts to get nervous, politely explain the situation and get him out of the party. Do not worry, all birthdays are ahead of you and he will have the opportunity to enjoy them consciously later.

3. Plan the time according to the child’s schedule

Each baby has its own sleep and wakefulness patterns, and you’ll need to tailor the celebration accordingly. For example, if the child gets cranky in the afternoon, make the first birthday before or at noon. Be mindful of the time they stay awake and don’t plan a party that lasts more than two-three hours if you want the birthday star to stay present the whole time.

And don’t worry! If something with the child does not go according to plan on the holiday itself, your guests will understand, wait for you or excuse your absence if necessary. The most important thing is that the little one is calm and happy.

4. Choose a topic

A pleasant atmosphere is key to a good mood at a party. On this occasion, you might consider choosing a theme for your baby’s first birthday. The choice is large, and most often it sums down to a specific color, animal or cartoon character.
Whatever you choose, it won’t hurt to match the other elements of the celebration with it, such as the cake, decorations, etc.

Be sure to let the guests know what the theme of the party will be in advance so that they can, if they want, dress their children to match it by choosing appropriate suits for the boys and dresses for the girls. You can do this most easily with invitations that you send out early enough (best 4 weeks before the day) to give guests time to react.

5. Menu and cake

You can’t welcome your guests to an empty table, right? Therefore, take your time and prepare a menu for the holiday in advance. Some prefer to put only things like snacks, popcorn, salads and the like, while others prepare appetizers, mains, desserts and sweets. Make sure you have a variety of drinks as well. It’s better to have stocked up and have food and drink left than to stand with empty hands in front of your guests if something runs out. If more children are expected to be present, it is good that the menu should be tailored to them as well.

Regarding the cake, keep in mind that most pastry chefs will only be able to fit you into their schedule after a few weeks. If you do it at home, let it be the day before the celebration. You can make it a fun experience for your child by ordering a separate small cake for them to dig into and eat with their hands, while you serve your guests from another – larger one.

6. Consider a photographer

If you want to hire a professional photographer for your baby’s first birthday, you will also need to do so weeks in advance. But maybe you also have a friend or a family member that would be up to the task of stalking all the fun moments on camera? In that case, talk to them before the party to make sure they agree. Of course, during the party itself, you can invite your guests to take pictures as well. The more memories the better, right?

7. Think about the decoration

Everyone loves balloons, but babies and children enjoy them the most! And there is nothing easier and at the same time more spectacular than this decoration. Arrange the colors and their placement depending on the topic you have chosen.

As decoration, you can also use photos and objects from your child’s first 12 months. Use them by printing them in different sizes and sticking them on colored cardboard or putting them in frames. Your child’s favorite toys can be placed as an accent on the table.

8. Get helpers

On the day of the celebration, you will have to decorate and prepare the table, take care of the comfort of the guests, while at the same time you continue to watch your child and make sure that everything is okay with them. If you get a helper (grandmother, aunt or a close friend), you will certainly be much more relaxed. Decide for yourself whether they will deal with the child, the preparation or with the guests, so that at one point you too can relax and enjoy your little one’s first birthday.

9. Other fun suggestions to consider 

– Pick a playlist to get everyone in the mood. Throw in some hit songs for the adults too.
– Think up some games for the kids in advance.
– Consider compliments for guests, such as a small toy or book to take home.
– After-party photos are a great option for thank-you cards sent online or on paper.
– Make a cast of your child’s hand and/or footprints as a keepsake.
– Organize a special book or board where guests can write their wishes for the little birthday star.
– If the budget doesn’t bother you, and you don’t have ideas or time to organize your child’s first birthday, you can turn to a party agency. They deal precisely with the organization of celebrations, and the specialists will think of everything and refine it to the smallest detail, without the need for you to engage in all this.

Certainly, the details of organizing a first birthday are not few and you can always forget something. But if you plan everything well and on time, you can be sure that it will remain a precious memory for you and your family.

xo, MommyVeronika

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