5 Perks Of The Pregnancy Every Woman Should Know

Extra pounds, swollen ankles, varicose veins, stretch marks … you simply cannot go through the challenge called pregnancy without facing the fear of these “extras”. Yes, these are some of the side effects that ladies often encounter along the way, but it is by no means a mandatory part of the nine-month journey. On the other hand, there are a bunch of benefits that are very little talked about, but which have a high chance of happening to you. And guess what? In today’s article #MommyVeronika will tell you everything exactly about them!

Dream hair

Healthy, shiny and – above all – non-falling hair, which every girl dreams of! If you want one, buy the most expensive shampoo on the market, make a homemade honey and egg mask, get a zero haircut and spit three times over your shoulder… or just get pregnant. It turns out that for some women, the hormonal changes during pregnancy have an extremely positive effect on their hair. Unfortunately, not everyone is like that, but if you are among the lucky ones in this regard, you will admire a real renaissance on your head.

And yet, because the concept “very good is not good” prevails everywhere, this is where the pitfalls are hidden – after birth, the reverse process takes place, which is often accompanied by abundant hair loss. All these transformations are temporary, of course, and once the body gets into its normal rhythm, things fall into place. Still, it’s great for every woman to admire her dream hair, even if it’s just for a few months…

Healthy nails

The pleasant surprises related to the pregnant body do not end there. For many women, “growing” long and healthy nails can be a difficult challenge, but this does not apply if you are expecting a baby! You will be able to show off your nice manicure without even putting that big of an effort into it. Here again, hormones play an important role, as well as the accelerated course of some processes in the body, thanks to which more valuable substances reach the nails than usual.

To be honest the reasons don’t really matter! The important thing is that if anyone comes at you with their expectations that you will become a walking bunker, you can counter them with current news about your shiny new manicure. In addition, the pleasant acquisition is a great tool for deflecting uncomfortable questions, such as those related to your increasing weight for example…

Fresh skin

In the middle of the nine months, some mothers-to-be notice that their skin is radiant and clear. The effect is due to the increased water reserves, which “fill in” the small wrinkles on the face. However, there are also pregnant women who complain that they seem to have returned to puberty and acne. This is the result of an individual reaction to the new hormonal conditions, which can last for up to three months.

The increased level of estrogens also produces more melanin, which is responsible for skin tone. As a result, existing pigment spots may enlarge or new ones may appear. According to popular belief, the darkening of the facial skin during pregnancy is a sign that the future mother is expecting a girl. The so-called “linea negra” also stands out. It’s a  dark line from the navel down, which is another characteristic of pregnant women. Something also typical for expectant mothers is the darkening of the skin in the area of the cheeks and forehead. Fortunately, the so-called mask of pregnancy disappears after birth.

Bigger bust

Breast enlargement is an indisputable bonus for pregnant women and is already noticeable in the first trimester. It’s plain and simple – your breasts are preparing to feed a whole new person, and their growth is a completely understandable and logical side effect. For the many women around the world who have smaller breasts, this change is an opportunity to feel what a miracle this luscious bust is and what benefits it brings to its owners. Of course, in addition to the pregnant woman, this acquisition is a “bonus” for the future father as well.

The “culprits” for this effect are estrogens and progesterone. They take care that the ducts through which the breast milk will flow expand. After the third month, it is advisable to buy a larger and more comfortable bra, preferably without panels and cotton, if other materials irritate you.

Strong sense of smell

If the princess from Andersen’s fairy tale could feel the pea through twenty mattresses, the mother-to-be can smell absolutely anything through ten doors! The sense of smell is the sense that is sharpened to the maximum during pregnancy. Nature has done this with a goal so that the pregnant woman could intuitively avoid the foods and substances that can harm her.

Heightened sensitivity to smells, however, is not always an advantage and definitely not for everyone. To help with it, if you often have to travel by public transport, for example, always carry a bottle of orange essential oil that you can smell to prevent nausea.

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