4 Of The Best Yet Essential Tips For The Skin Care Of Your Newborn Baby

The birth is over, you’re home with your newborn baby, and it’s time to start building your daily care schedule. But besides keeping it fed and warm, of course, there are a whole bunch of things that new parents need to keep an eye on. With one of these things, #MommyVeronika will help you today, namely newborn skin care.

Baby skin should not be neglected. It is delicate just like the immune system of the newborn. Perfumes, detergents and cleaning agents, paints, etc. easily come into contact with the baby’s skin and can lead to redness, irritation, dryness and rashes. There are several important rules that you should follow so that your baby can enjoy healthy, smooth, fine and delicate skin.

At birth, babies’ skin is wrinkled and covered by a special protective layer – vernix, which falls off during the first week. You don’t have to try to remove it yourself by scrubbing and rubbing the skin or applying creams and lotions. If the baby is born after term, this layer is often missing. With newborns in full force, the rule applies – the less, the better!

So what to do and how to protect your baby from allergies and rashes as much as possible? Read below:

Say ”No” to the daily baths

It is not necessary to bathe the newborn every day. Bathing too often (more than 3 times a week) during the first year of the child’s life easily leads to the removal of the protective lipid film that covers the skin and acts as a barrier. Thus, it becomes vulnerable to the surrounding potential allergens.

Except for the area around the mouth and under the diaper, babies do not get dirty. During the first month, it is even enough to lightly clean your baby’s skin with a wet, gentle sponge 2-3 times a week. The mouth and buttocks should be cleaned daily with water or special micellar lotions designed for these areas.

The cosmetics

Do not, or at least minimize the use of wet wipes during the first few weeks. Regardless of the descriptions on the packaging of how gentle they are, they still contain one of the top allergens of the last few years, namely – katone.

Be careful with baby cosmetics. The immune system of newborns is immature. If there is a family history of skin problems, allergies, or asthma, this should further heighten your awareness of anything that touches your child’s skin.

Wash and iron new clothes before putting them on the baby. Use special baby detergents without dyes, with less or no fragrances. Wash the baby’s clothes and bedding separately from the adults. Choose them to be made of soft fabrics, as well as without labels or edges that could hurt the delicate skin.

Nappy rash

A very common problem during this period is cutting on and around the buttocks. Everyone knows that friction, increased humidity, overheating and skin irritation from feces and ammonia in urine are major contributors to this. With milder forms of cutting, you can manage on your own without the need for medical intervention.

To help the rash go away faster, change diapers often, change them as soon as they become soiled, wash the skin there carefully with water, thoroughly removing the remains of cream, urine and feces. After that, it is very important to dry the skin well. Not by rubbing, but by leaving the baby naked for a while, or by lightly blotting with a soft cloth. After the skin is well dried, you can now apply a cream that restores the skin barrier and in itself has no potential for further irritations.

Please note! If the rash does not start to subside after 2-3 days, it is recommended to seek help from a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Massage time

There is one more point in your daily care for your baby’s skin that is important. This is the massage. Like caressing, this is a method to strengthen your emotional connection with the child, to convey love and security to them. It has been categorically proven that by touching the baby in this way, you help both its emotional and physical health. Massaged and caressed babies are calmer, sleep better and cry less – every mother’s dream!

You don’t need to know any special massage techniques. Just put your baby on a stable base in a warm room, warm some baby oil in your hands and start gently applying it to the chest and along the arms and legs. And rest assured that you will be immediately rewarded with a smile from your treasure.

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