12 Common Baby Care And Hygiene Questions Answered (Part 2)

This week we continue with part two of the frequently asked questions related to baby hygiene and skin care. How to cut finger and toenails correctly? What should the temperature of the water in the baby bath be ? And why do newborns often have sticky eyes after waking up from sleep? #MommyVeronika has prepared below all the answers to your questions!

7. “Should I wash my newborn’s hair and with what?”
The truth is that baby hair does not need any products. It is much gentler than that of an adult. This is because quite often, the first baby hair is partially or even completely replaced by healthier and stronger one in the first 6-8 months. After the old hair falls out and your child’s new hair appears, you can safely start using products for its maintenance. It is advisable to use a mild baby shampoo every now and then. Still, if you prefer to use a shampoo from the beginning, go for a baby product that is not too strong and certainly not irritating to the eyes.

8. “How warm should the baby’s bath water be?”
A child’s body only starts mastering heat regulation via the skin from the age of two. It is therefore important that babies, and specifically newborns, are having the nice feeling of warmth when bathing. It’s best if you heat up the bathroom or room to at least  24-25 degrees. The bath water should also not be too hot or too cold. A temperature of around 37 degrees would be considered perfect. For best results and to avoid worrying about getting the temperature right, use a bath thermometer. It will for sure save you a lot of worries, especially if you are a new parent and you are still not sure what and how to do.

9. “What is the best way to trim the finger and toenails?”
In the first few weeks after birth, the nails are usually still so soft that you can simply, carefully just pluck off the protruding edges. A little later, however, babies can sometimes have very sharp nails with which they can inflict unsightly and painful scratches on themselves. You can use rounded nail scissors or nail clippers to defuse the small, soft nails. And the best time to do it is while your child is sleeping. To ensure your mission is successful, wait until the baby is fast asleep and spring into action. Hold the hand whose nails you will be cutting tight and firmly and if needed, press the fingertips down a little. This should make it easier for you to get to the nail with the scissors safely.

10. “How to take care for my baby’s ears?”
When it comes to caring for small baby ears, less really is more. That is because ears have a so-called self-cleaning function. The earwax slowly but steadily leaves the ear and can then be then easily rubbed out of the pinna with a thin paper towel. Cotton swabs are unnecessary and can even be dangerous as the little ones often tend to move jerkily. This can lead to an eardrum injury while you try to put the ear stick inside. On top of it all, cotton swabs often push earwax deeper into the ear canal. As a result, at some point a plug can form, which might then block the auditory canal and will have to be flushed out by a pediatrician.

11. “Should burping be induced and why do babies vomit?”
Because the upper part of the stomach is not narrowed enough, it is very common for babies to vomit. Burping does not help to reduce vomiting in all babies, but in most cases, burping helps with calming the tummy and expel the air swallowed during feeding. Place the baby on your chest, tummy facing you. Keep your hands on the back and under the baby’s bottom for support. Use your leading hand to pat him gently on the back – between the shoulders. After a few pats, rub the child’s back with light, circular movements. If the baby still hasn’t burped, repeat it again.

12. “Why does my baby have sticky eyes after waking up?”
This is common in newborns and is due to the tear ducts. They do not work properly after birth, as they are not yet fully developed and do not always manage to remove all the liquids from the eyes. To remove plaque or small crusts from the eye, you can use a cotton pad or twist cotton between thumb and forefinger to form a stalk. Soak in cool, boiled water or fresh breast milk and use it to wipe off the plaque. Remember to always wipe from the outside in.

Link for Part 1 here:

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