12 Common Baby Care And Hygiene Questions Answered (Part 1)

With the arrival of the newborn in the house, also comes many questions that you never thought would arise. Questions, the answers to which do not seem very complicated at first glance, but they are exactly the same for every new parent. How often should you bathe the baby? What to do with an itchy bottom? What will you 100% need and what you can safely go without?  #MommyVeronika has prepared all the answers to 12 frequently asked questions regarding the care for your baby.

1. “Do I have to wait for the umbilical cord to fall off to bathe my baby?”
The simple answer to this question is no, you don’t have to wait. According to the latest international baby care recommendations, there is no increased risk of infection if newborns are bathed before the rest of the umbilical cord has fallen off and the umbilicus has fully healed.  However, a baby should not be bathed immediately after birth, so that the valuable vernix caseosa (that white, cheesy-looking substance that coats the skin)  is not washed off.  It contains substances that protect the skin of the newborn, which as you might already know is very sensitive.

2. “How long and how often should I bathe my baby?”
Baby skin is only one-fifth the thickness of adult skin, which as already mentioned above makes it more sensitive. It is therefore better not to bathe for more than ten minutes in the first year of life.  Small children from the age of one can splash around in the water longer.  If your little one likes bathing and doesn’t tend to have dry skin, they can go in the tub more often. Of course, it also depends on the season and weather conditions. In summer and when it is very hot, you can bathe your baby every day. without the hair).

3. “Do I need extra bath products for the baby?”
The best ”product” would be simple warm water. Healthy baby skin does not actually need any bath additives. Some of the soap and bubble bath products tend to dry out the skin. Definitely be aware of your baby’s skin condition before adding anything extra at all. If your child has a very dry skin, you can add two to three drops of wheat germ oil or breast milk to the water. If you like and are needed, you can buy special bath oils for your baby’s skin care.

4. “Is a fast wash enough?”
Simply said – yes! Babies aren’t really dirty, apart from the diaper area. It is enough to gently rub the baby with just a washcloth and without soap. Just keep in mind and don’t forget the many small skin folds! Flakes of skin often gather around the neck, under the armpits and in the groin and should be wiped off regularly. Otherwise the skin there can become inflamed which is not a pleasant feeling for anyone, especially newborns.

5. “Why are my baby’s feet and palms so dry?”
You will most likely notice that the feet and palms of your newborn are very dry. However, this is not a problem that requires special care. Still, if you do decide to take some action, a few drops of baby oil in the bath can help moisturize delicate skin.

6. “What do I do if the skin on my baby’s bottom is sore and/or red?”
Baby’s bottom is bright red and your child whines as soon as you touch the irritated areas? It may be sensitive to a certain food or spice that they consumed. Babies who are teething are also more likely to have sore buttocks. On top of this, urine and stool can also add to the irritation of the affected skin. It is therefore best to change the diapers more often than usual and wash your baby’s bottom with clean water. The more air that gets to this particular space, the better! Let your baby kick around in a heated room with no diaper on. This is the best way for the skin to heal. Healing ointments such as marigold ointment or zinc ointment also support the healing process. Important: If the skin does not heal but is weeping and small lumps form that curl up at the edges, do not wait, it is best to consult with your pediatrician right away. The baby may have a fungal infection, also called thrush, that needs to be treated ASAP.

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  1. 12 Common Baby Care And Hygiene Questions Answered (Part 2) - MommyVeronika | 24th Apr 23

    […] 12. “Why does my baby have sticky eyes after waking up?”This is common in newborns and is due to the tear ducts. They do not work properly after birth, as they are not yet fully developed and do not always manage to remove all the liquids from the eyes. To remove plaque or small crusts from the eye, you can use a cotton pad or twist cotton between thumb and forefinger to form a stalk. Soak in cool, boiled water or fresh breast milk and use it to wipe off the plaque. Remember to always wipe from the outside in.Link for Part 1 here:mommyveronika.com/12-common-baby-care-and-hygiene-questions-answered-part-1/ […]

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